what is java script Explain ? The main purpose of creating JavaScript was to enable you to use logic in your webpage. You created a contact form form and put a submit button in it, whether it is HTML, with the help of CSS, this form will be submitted, now you have to write code in JavaScript that it will be submitted on click. A special feature of JavaScript is that it not only runs in the browser but also in the server. In JavaScript, you can add HTML and can also change html. When you are coding, then the page of that browser is called dom, dom does all your coding, dom means document object model. Event When you get a response from the server through any logic, then we call it an event. JavaScript does not store your hard data in it without your permission, so it is considered a secure language. By learning Java Script, you can design a website, along with this, if you also learn Java, then you can also make apps, nowadays creating apps.
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