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Does Your What Is JavaScript Used For Pass The Test? 7 Things You Can Improve On Today

what is java script  Explain ? The main purpose of creating JavaScript was to enable you to use logic in your webpage. You created a contact form form and put a submit button in it, whether it is HTML, with the help of CSS, this form will be submitted, now you have to write code in JavaScript that it will be submitted on click. A special feature of JavaScript is that it not only runs in the browser but also in the server. In JavaScript, you can add HTML and can also change html. When you are coding, then the page of that browser is called dom, dom does all your coding, dom means document object model.  Event When you get a response from the server through any logic, then we call it an event. JavaScript does not store your hard data in it without your permission, so it is considered a secure language. By learning Java Script, you can design a website, along with this, if you also learn Java, then you can also make apps, nowadays creating apps.

How does the server works Explain

 How does the server works Explain How does the server work?  Have you ever thought that the software that is made to diagnose our problem is a system software, you must have played video games at one time or another, you must have used the website in your life but have you ever paid attention? Given how all these things work. As we all know that game website or any application software is created with the help of programming language, to make these programs, we need to do coding as you all know that coding is done by creating a new file and adding software to it. All the features and advanced features are told about how it will work.   ll the coding of the application software is in a file, when this file is sent to the server, the server tries to understand the statements written in it and performs its work according to those statements and if the server does not understand If it comes, then the error of Server Not Found starts appearing on our skin. That is, the server...

File Transfer Protocol definition

 What is File Transfer Protocol Explain In today's time, there has been an increase in the personal of the exchange of data of the file, if a developer wants to make a website or any software, then he will have to create a file to ring it, in this file all the data of that software is stored. The thing to note here is that if you want to exchange files or transfer data, then for this you must have a certain purpose. It is a network protocol that facilitates the transfer of files between one computer to another. This protocol improves the convenience of transferring files.  In today's blog, you have learned what is file transfer protocol and how it works and what are its features, if you want to become a programmer or you are learning programming then you must follow our block and also -Also, if you have any suggestion or any question, then do share with us, we will try our best to answer all your questions.

What is Integrate Services Digital Networks ?

 What is Integrate Services Digital Networks This network is becoming very fast in today's time, today we all like to listen and watch video voice, if you are asked to send a video to any of your friends, what can you do in this context? Today, in many such big platforms of our social media, with the help of which you can send any video to your friend, you are building a network or relationship with your friend, maybe for a certain purpose, you can communicate with your friend. If you want to establish, it is possible that you want to exchange your data or want to transfer any file, if we say it in simple language or it is called digital network then we transfer any video, music or any game or Works under Integrated Services Digital Network. <How to get data & from users in your website and blog ?? A Step-by-Step Guide to What Is HTML? The Basics Of Hypertext Markup Language In today's blog, you know what is Integrated Services Digital Network and how it works and what a...

How to protect your computer from hackers and viruses

 How To Protect Your Computer Form Computer Viruses Explain Computer virus This is the name that makes the biggest company lose its hands. Computer virus is the technique with which they break the walls of the Internet and steal your computer's data, you call a computer virus a program. The purpose of creating a computer virus is to steal data and files from the computer of others. Nowadays, if you shop online, then if your computer is hanged by a virus, then your personal information will easily reach it. In today's time, the more data one has, the more his progress will be, banks, hospitals, government departments, etc. make every effort to keep their data safe with the help of professional developers to keep their data safe. Computer virus is also the solution for this. Antivirus is made for prevention, you can download antivirus from Google in your computer and you can protect your computer from computer virus, you are wondering that when or virus is so dangerous then why i...

How Internet Networking Works

 How Internet Networking Works Explain? Networking means making a relationship like you make friends with your friends, then you can say that my network has been created, whenever a person makes any kind of rapport with another person, a relationship is established between them, but with whom? Build a relationship with Computers are connected to each other with the help of the Internet and they become a network. It has a definite purpose to become a network, such as exchanging data, transferring files, user communication, etc. Suppose you have to download software to your computer. So you will go and search in your browser for this, when you download that software, many files will come to your computer with it, here the computer has created a network with the browser for a certain purpose and the transfer of files is also done successfully. Gone. And this is one of the best examples of networking. File Transfer Protocol definition Hope you don't have full faith that you have unders...

what is application software ?

what is Application Software ? Application software refers to those software. Which is made according to our needs. By which we solve any problem. Before creating an application software, its structure is prepared. How will he help people? And the developer in application software uses programming languages ​​like Java PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and big languages. Sometimes it takes a developer years of hard work to create a large application software. This is the reason why the demand for application software is increasing continuously. HomeFile Transfer Protocol definition File Transfer Protocol definition <How does the server works Explain  The time to come is of program language, today you use Google. And you use the Google app in your mobile, it all comes under the application software. How many applications do you have in your mobile phone? It is an application software only. Follow our block to know more about website development or app development and if you have any suggesti...