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Showing posts with the label HTML tag full information

A Step-by-Step Guide to What Is HTML? The Basics Of Hypertext Markup Language HyperText Markup Language

WHAT IS HTML?* If you are a programmer.  Or you want to be a programmer.  So you must know about HTML.  In today's blog, we will know what is HTML.  What are the functions of HTML.  And why HTML is more important in website development.  So let's get started. What is a programming language First of all, let's talk about programming language, then programming language is a language that communicates between humans and computers.  For example you can think of something like this.  That you know English language but computer does not know English language.  He understands programming languages.  So if you give instructions to the computer in English, it will not understand.  Programming language has been developed to eliminate this difficulty. The instruction of HTML programming language is to design the website.  With its help, the website is given any instructions as to how it will be visible to the user.  You can understan...