Digital Marketing Meaning
Some people in today's modern times prefer to shop from the Internet. Every class in the whole world now has internet, through internet we can deliver our things to any corner of the world. Digital marketing is called marketing from the Internet. By using the internet when we can deliver our product in a digital way. Nowadays every person spends all his time on the internet. We get a huge customer base on the Internet. Digital marketing has also got a lot of boost due to online e-commerce companies like Amazon Flipkart, now every company is using digital marketing to reach its services and its efficient products to the people. In digital marketing, a network is established in a digital way. This network buys the services, products provided by the company. Due to which the business of the company runs smoothly. After knowing this, what is digital marketing? Let us now study the aspects of digital marketing in detail so that we can have a complete study about digital marketing. Complete information has been provided in this blog, please read this blog completely, so that you can become a better and better digital marketing
What are the types of digital marketing?
1.Content marketing.
Content marketing is marketing where high quality contact is created. And marketing is done through that content, the blog you are reading on this website right now. That too is a contact, the content is always unique, the content is never copied, if the contacts are copied, then it has no meaning. Nowadays every company needs good content and content can be of many types or can be in the form of records or can be in the form of music. In today's time, the photo video audio or any material available on the Internet is the format of a content, we cannot re-use that contact, if we do this, then we are in violation of the policy of the Internet if we have to do that. If we want to use the contact, then we have to get permission in writing from the owner of that content.
2.Search engine marketing.
You must have heard about search engine at some point in your daily life. As we know that the world's largest search engine is Google, day by day we search our different types of questions on Google and Google also gives us correct answers to all these questions. Every blog and website wants to rank in Google's search engine. If a website or blog wants to rank in Google's search engine, then two conditions have to be followed for it, the first condition is that whatever content is on your website is your own and second that contact is very unique only then you Google You can easily rank in search engines. In today's time it has become a proverb that whoever has money has everything, that is, if your website does not have good content or for some reason your website is not able to rank on Google, then you can do it through search engine marketing. You can get your side ranked on the first page of Google, although for this you have to pay Google, that is to say, all the search engines in this world are paid to get them colored by paying money to your blog or website. Comes under Search Engine Marketing.
3.Display Advertising.
If I ask you a question that if you have ever watched a YouTube video, then almost every one of you will answer yes. If you have watched YouTube videos, then you must have also seen some advertisements on YouTube while watching YouTube videos. This is a small example of marketing of YouTube, how the world's second largest search engine YouTube earns money, so the simple answer is that YouTube promotes big brands and charges a lot of money from big brands and big companies. Do you read some blog every day, you must have noticed that while reading the block, some advertisements keep running in between, these advertisements are called display advertisements.
4.Mobile Marketing.
In today's modern era, if man is using this device the most, then it is mobile. Nowadays, the use of mobile has become our habit and it affects our life a lot, whether children or adults, everyone likes to use mobile very much, they must have downloaded the application in their mobile, every application for some solution For example calculator or online game like pubg free fire etc. If you must have got one thing, then the answer is used in all the applications, then there is an advertisement going on in between or it is a part of mobile marketing, big companies know where people like to spend more and more of their time. These companies advertise their products through mobile marketing, so that their brand becomes very good among the people and their product is understood by more and more people.
5.Social Media Marketing.
Humans have become such a unique relationship with social media that it is not possible for the entire human race to forget that you use social media platforms like WhatsApp Facebook, not your mobile phone or you must have done it at some point of time. Suppose your friend has sent you an affiliate link on WhatsApp and your favorite product is in that gender then when you purchase the product through that link then your friend will get money. This type of marketing is called social media marketing where money is made using social media platforms. Anyone with millions of followers on Twitter Facebook. They charge lakhs of rupees for a tweet, then they advertise the product of any company, this is social media marketing.
6.Email Marketing.
Marketing done by email is called email marketing, in which a mail is made to the user and the user is given information about different types of products, this information is mostly providing information about big brands and big companies. This happens so that more and more customers can know about the branded product and then use the product of that company, which makes a good profit for the company. For this, big companies keep employees here and those employees provide information to the people about the entire product of that big brand or company, so there are many more job opportunities available in email marketing.
7.Affiliate Marketing
Friends, you must have done shopping from companies like Amazon Flipkart at one time or another. By joining the affiliate program of all these companies, you can earn a lot of money by sharing some of the products of all these companies, blogs and website owners around the world earn billions of rupees by using affiliate marketing. I will not be your boss in this marketing. Here you are the master of your own will. And you can do this work in part time also, you can take out a little time out of your day and raise a lot of money from it.