satellite communication works through transponder?


What Is Setellites ?

Earth moon comes under natural satellite, with the changing times, honorable many thousands of fame Mughals have been built here, with the help of artificial satellite, we can anticipate the arrival of any storm, as well as you can see the weather condition on google. I get information through a newspaper, all this information is harvested through satellite, take pictures of some planets, man must have seen pictures of big houses like earth mars venus or it is possible through satellite.
 To simplify the tasks of man-made daily life in space, many techniques have been developed in which communication system is most important, you talk about yourself from the phone, this is what we call communication, the second best example of this is TV in which we watch news movies. 

 Important Of Artificial Satellite

In today's time you are using the internet and you are watching TV or today you just dial the number to talk to a relative and you can contact the person sitting hundreds of KG away.  
Do you know that the Global Positioning System, which we call GPS, with the help of which we locate our location, all the work is done by the satellite, the way of working of the Global Positioning System is something like this and GPS is a receiver.  Successfully exchange data with each other with the help.
Today is the era of satellite were no satellite for the first time human Tarase work shows were being laid down thick and long strings sea to talk to each other on a mobile phone costs money too full volume at all.

What is Purpose of Artificial satellite ?


Mobile phone has become an important part of our life, today we cannot live without mobile phone and internet, with the help of mobile phone, we can talk to any person sitting in the world and we get this facility through telephone communication company. It should be known that the internet that you use in your mobile does not come from internet satellite.

It is also not that satellite is not used in internet communication, only some important organizations are given internet through satellite. possible.


Global Positioning System, which we know as GPS, we use it to travel anywhere easily, we connect to the Global Positioning System satellite.Let us know how it works, when you turn on the GPS location of your mobile, with the help of a receiver mounted on the earth, the satellite is reached, then the satellite checks your location and sends the data related to it to your mobile. From which you can see that for this work, 100 satellites of a US department are circling our earth in space to complete such work -

3.Business and Finance

It reads the need of satellite to the company in communication, then the company has two options, first to send its own satellite to space and secondly to join hands with a company whose satellite is already present in space, this is a kind of business. It's the same.


Through the medium of satellite, the meteorological department and scientists get a lot of help, they anticipate a big symbolic disaster like an earthquake, if you search the condition of your city on Google, then you get to know about the entire Earth's atmosphere by being located in the satellite space. holds information

what are type of satellite

1.communication satellite

This satellite has been made by our scientists. The main purpose of making this type of satellite is that you can easily exchange data i.e. use the Internet. It gives radio telecommunication signals with the help of a transponder, it plays a main role in the communication of telephone, television, radio etc. between the transmitter and the receiver. The number of these communication satellites is around 2224.

2.Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is to get information from a distance, this sensing is used in almost all satellites, it can also be called the eye of the satellite in simple words, you should know that this remote sensing is used even above the aircraft, its three types. Key parts are first polar and second strong polar third earth.


The satellite Navigarion service is designed for the purpose of commercial and strategic this satellite would be always evident to any corner of the earth to the satellite is Pratibdi to navigation service has an electronic receiver in the system is the receiver Us installed in mobile, computer, laptop.

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