What is Linux Operating System ?
You all know that in today's time technology is at its peak, nowadays some new inventions are seen in the market every day, this has changed a lot in the way of living our life, people both money and their business with the help of this. We and you use mobile and not only mobile phone but all the equipment you use is called minicomputer in which some special program has been stored that this type of equipment needs to work. The way by which we commonly know by the name of operating system you should know that your mobile phone, computer, laptop or your car requires operating system no such device can be made where the device is not installed. The operating system may not have been used, today we are using many operating systems like Windows, Mac etc. But apart from all these operating systems, the operating system is present among us, which we may not know the name of and some operating system name. It's not that the market has just arrived, but Linux has been killed. More than 30 years have passed since coming to the market and the special thing is that most of the people have no idea about Linux, in today's blog we will provide you information related to Linux, so this post must be complete. read
what is Linux ?
Linux is an important operating system in which the interface between human and hardware is provided, with the help of the operating system the user interacts easily with the computer, you can also call the operating system a software, without the operating system the work of the computer is possible. No, Linux has become the most popular operating system in today's time because it is used to make almost all devices.
Linux is one of the most popular operating system of the Unix operating system and is a very good version Linux is a free software, for this you do not have to spend a single penny, it is open source software, which means that any use is available on the Internet for personal use. Linux operating system is most commonly used in databases and servers.
Linux operating system was done by Linux Torvalds Linux Torvalds was a student of C programming language and he loved coding in C programming language, probably because of this, about 90% of the coding of Linux operating system is done in C programming language and the rest 10% of the code is written in assembly language. Linux was designed to be Unix-friendly. Many activities of Linux are similar to Unix, but the biggest thing is that Linux is free operating system software, whereas it costs you money to use Unix. Linux is a good software for your computer because Linux provides good securitybase to your computer, in this operating system you also get passport protection which protects the files and stored data kept in your computer. System use Big companies like Google Facebook Yahoo prefer to use Linux operating system
Now you must have come to know what is Linux and what are its features and the biggest thing is Linux is a free operating system software, to get similar blocks, type international website Makers.com on Google.