Why People Love to Googe Know 10 Great Things About Google

 Know 10 great things about Google

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 Who does not know Google in today's time, Google is the biggest search engine of this century, Google is capable of answering all the questions asked by you.

 Know 10 great things about Google

 1. What is Google ?

 2. Who created Google and why?

Is the future of the Internet around the world in the hands of Google?

 4. How Google Works?

 5. How Google Makes Money?

 6. Where does Google store its data ?           

 7. How does the data of all websites reach Google?

How Website Ranking in Google?

 10. Is Google at risk of cyber attack?

 Let's gather detailed information about all the elements

 1. What is Google ?

 Today Google as a member of human life, as a teacher, as a scientist, is always committed to helping us, Google searches the questions asked by us from its database and reaches us if you are a student or your mind. I want to know the weather condition of your city, then you can find out on Google, not only this, all the information you can think in your mind is with Google, Google has the most importance in giving flight to human civilization.

 2. Who created Google and why?

The two founding heads of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Bring. Google was not so popular when Google was created, gradually Google made its own server and slowly started storing data and today Google has your name, mobile number, and your date of birth. Even Google knows your bank balance if you use Google Pay

Is the future of the world's Internet in the hands of Google ?

 Google has made constant efforts to improve its services and Google has also maintained several major programs such as Google Pay for online payments. It is not that Google has all the internet load and control around the world in its hands. Apart from Google, there are many other browsers, but Google is the best of them all.

 4.How Google Works ?

 The way Google works is such that Google takes your data before you, for example, when you create an email id, it takes data from you like your mobile number and name, date of birth, and when you search on Google. At the same time, you see the data, so gradually a lot of data is stored.

 5. How Google Makes Money?

Google takes money for showing ads You must have seen on many websites that shows ads of many companies and charges money from companies for this. You should know that Google does not take money for showing websites on the first page and the same websites Shows on the first page those who are eligible for it, it is not that you come to the first page by paying money. Google also has a charge of its own and because of this Google is very much liked

6. Where does Google store its data?

 Google's data is very valuable, that's why it stores its data in a very expensive server and skilled software engineers are hired to take care of it and a special team of Google works on it, not that all of Google. Data is a server mister, for this millions of servers are created.

 7. How does the data of all websites reach Google?

  Google has created a tool for the purpose of collecting the data of new and old websites, which you can also do algorithms, with the help of which Google merges the data of all the websites in your database, the way of its working is such that it is the first in the website. Enter and enter all the links and hyperlinks in that website, after going inside them, if there are links and hyperlinks inside them, then go inside them and see whether the process continues until He should not stop getting hyperlinks

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 8. Can I make a browser like Google?

 Whose direct answer is yes, but now you can make an advanced browser even from Google, but you will need more data than Google, which is almost impossible to get, Google has a lot of data and a lot of data is stored per minute, you Google To make a web browser like the key, you have to do coding in advance and you have to apply many such logic which is not used in making Google browser.

 9. How Websites Rank in Google?

 When a user searches on Google, in which website his keyboard is available, first Google confirms it, now Google checks the description of all those websites, after that the meta tag in that website is correct or not. . After that Google examines the HTML file of your website or Google tries to find out whether your website takes more time to load or not.

 10. Is Google at risk of cyber attack?

 Big companies are worried about cyber attacks, this makes them swoon but Google does not have any effect because Google has its own server and it is completely safe and Google uses satellite for networking. uses.

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Unknown said…
Thanks 👍😊😊😊😊😊😊😊👍👍👍😊😊😊👍😎